Beyond CHS

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College and Career Planning

Beyond CHS provides resources to prepare students for life after high school. College and career information, scholarships, financial aid, SAT, ACT and AP Prep are available for students. Students can schedule an appointment to talk about their plans after CHS. Please email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

Resources from Virtual College Planning Month

Helping students and families learn about applying to and paying for college and community college 

Information from some of our sessions is available using the links below.

  • OSU/LBCC Degree Partnership Program: learn how you can save money through dual-enrollment in both LBCC and OSU. Video of the OSU/LBCC session is available here.* Slides from this presentation are available here.*
  • WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange) College Panel with WSU, NAU & University of Arizona: learn about WUE and how you can save money on out-of-state tuition. Video of the WUE panel is available here.*
  • FAFSA & Financial Aid 101: Learn how to file FAFSA (or ORSAA), and hear about other financial aid tips. Video of the FAFSA session is available here.* Slides from this presentation are available here.*
  • Spotlight LBCC (presented in English): CTE, certificates, associate degrees, transfer plan to four-year, DPP, Oregon Promise. Video of the LBCC session is available here.*
  • Spotlight LBCC (presented in Spanish- Fall 2020): CTE certificates, associate degrees, transfer plan to four-year, DPP, Oregon Promise. Video of the LBCC session is available here.*
  • How to Shine in Your College Application: How do you make your application stand out? Video of this session is available here.*
  • NCAA 101: What does it take to play sports in college? Video of this session is available here.* Slides from this session are available here.*
  • OSAC: Finding Funds to Pay for College: Oregon College Financial Aid Basics, Oregon Grants (Oregon Opportunity, Oregon Promise), OSAC scholarships, and more. Video of this session is available here.*
  • Chemeketa Community College: CTE certificates, associate degrees, transfer plan to four-year, DPP, Oregon Promise. Video of this session is available here.*
  • Making Your Application Essay Stand Out: Video of this session is available here.* Slides from this session are available here.*
  • Military Educational Benefits: Video of this session available here.* Slides from this session are available here.*
  • Lane Community College: CTE certificates, associate degrees, transfer plan to four-year, DPP, Oregon Promise. Video of this session is available here.*
  • Honors Colleges: Learn about the OSU and UO Honors colleges. Video of this session is available here* for Oregon State and here* for University of Oregon Clark Honors College.
  • Top 10 Tips for Parents: As your student navigates the college and career process, 10 tips for parents to support your student. Video of this session is available here.*

*Must have a 509J student account to view.