CHS Preschool

The CHS Preschool provides a safe and fun learning environment for children ages 3 through 5. Students in the CHS Child Development class create and implement lesson plans for the preschool in a variety of areas including art, music, reading, science, large muscle, and cooperative free play.
Program Details
The CHS Preschool is located on the CHS campus in the “H” building, adjacent to Buchanan Avenue. Our program includes indoor and outdoor areas.
- Preschool begins in October and ends the last week of May.
- The regular weekly schedule is four days a week, Tuesday- Friday.
- Tuesday and Thursday from 8:15 to 11:15 and Wednesday and Friday from 8:15 to 11:50. Please contact us for more information regarding scheduling.
- The preschool follows the school year calendar and weather closure days. For 2023-24, Winter Break is December 18 – January 1 and Spring Break is March 25-29.
Program tuition is $600 for the year (October through the end of May) and is payable to Corvallis High School.
Class size is limited to 20. Children must be ages 3-5 and fully potty-trained. Children must be 3 years old prior to September 1st of that school year. The preschool fills quickly; children may be added to the waiting list if they are 2 1/2 years old or older.
Please email Alyssa Reynolds to register or to add your child to the waiting list.