What’s for Lunch?

We want to make sure that all students are fed and prepared to learn at school. Our district meal program provides breakfast, morning snack, and lunch each school day. The Free and Reduced Meal Program is available for students whose families meet specific household income guidelines.

School Meals

School menus are created on a four week rotation for the entire school year and analyzed to ensure meals meet nutritional guidelines. Sometimes menus change due to school schedules, special occasions, or food availability. All schools offer full salad bars at lunch as a vegetarian option and to encourage students to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Sustainable Food Practices

Reducing food waste and making sure all students have nutritious foods to eat align with our school’s sustainability practices.

For various reasons, students may not always want to consume certain food or beverage items included in their school meal. The Share Table is a location near the cafeteria where students may return whole food or beverage items they choose not to eat, if it is in compliance with local and State health and food safety codes. These food and beverage items are then available to other children who may want or need an additional serving.

Working in coordination with the district Facilities department, cafeteria food composting at CHS is a project of the CHS Green Club.