Classes and Course Catalog

Corvallis High School wants to ensure the best education for your child. We have a wide variety of courses that are tailored to enhance a student's knowledge and personal ability. We strive to create learning experiences that are relevant to our students’ lives, while preparing them for life beyond high school. Project-based, community-based, internship, and service learning opportunities exist across the curriculum, exposing students to real life learning experiences.

2025-26 Course Selection

Course selection for the 2025-2026 school year will begin in February and close in March 2025.  Students will be completing their education plan and profile in MajorClarity. All student course requests will be entered in Synergy prior to meeting with School Counselors. Students will receive instructions for MajorClarity and Synergy in their Advisor classes which are held weekly.

Selección de cursos 2025-26

La selección de cursos para el año escolar 2025-2026 comenzará en febrero y finalizará en marzo de 2025. Los estudiantes completarán su plan educativo y su perfil en MajorClarity. Todas las solicitudes de cursos de los estudiantes se introducirán en Synergy antes de reunirse con los consejeros escolares. Los estudiantes recibirán instrucciones para MajorClarity y Synergy en sus clases de asesoría, que se imparten semanalmente.

2025-26 Course Catalog & Request Worksheets

Catálogo de cursos 2025-26 y hojas de solicitud de cursos