
CHS incorporates technology into everyday lessons; Chromebooks, computers, and SmartBoards are used to provide pathways for education. Accessible Wi-Fi is available throughout campus.

Devices In School

In order to have access to computers at CHS, all students and parents/guardians must sign a one-time “Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Form.” Students are allowed to access computers before and after school (7:15 a.m. to 3:30p.m.), during their off blocks, and in classes with teacher approval and supervision. There are computers in the media center for student use. All students are assigned individual passwords in order to access the computers. In addition, each student has a Google account, with a school email, that they can use to create and save documents for school.

Confiscation of Devices

Students who use electronic devices during classroom instructional time without prior permission may have the devices confiscated, and staff may take appropriate disciplinary action. It is the staff member’s discretion to hold the device in the classroom or turn it into the main office. Any confiscated item from a student that is sent to the Main Office may be held for up to 48 hours and may need to be picked up by a parent/guardian at the discretion of school staff.

Internet Use

Internet access is available for students at CHS. With this privilege comes the responsibility to follow CHS guidelines when accessing the Internet at CHS. Electronic tampering such as keying profane/obscene language, using pornographic sites or information, willfully deleting files, changing computer passwords or default settings, and downloading inappropriate materials is prohibited. School officials actively monitor computer use at CHS.


Corvallis High School is committed to providing a positive and productive learning environment. No form of cyberbullying by students will be tolerated at CHS. Cyberbullying is the use of any electronic communication device to convey a message in any form (text, image, audio, or video) that defames, intimidates, harasses, or is otherwise intended to harm, insult, or humiliate another in a deliberate, repeated, or hostile and unwanted manner under a person’s true or false identity. In addition, any communication of this form which disrupts or prevents a safe and positive educational environment may also be considered cyberbullying.